
Joined the Kemppi team: Jacek Zelazny
Jacek, you started working at Kemppi less than a year ago. We'd like to know how your "becoming part of our growth journey" has been so far, and whether your perceptions have matched reality.

”Uranuurtajana” nuorten työllistämisessä: miksi yli 20 vuoden läsnäolo opinahjoissa on Jukan mielestä kannattanut?
15 976 työpäivää Kempillä kerryttänyt henkilöstöohjaaja Jukka Mandelin on rakentanut oppilaitosyhteistyötä viimeiset 23 vuotta suurella sydämellä – ”uranuurtajaksikin” häntä talossa kutsutaan....

How does Kemppi’s culture bond us together globally? Katri spent over a year in Italy as the “integrator” of two cultures
Katri Sahlman, our VP of Strategy & Business Development (or “a generalist leader with a digital background”, as she likes to introduce herself) has had an impressive 8-year career journey within business development at Kemppi.

15 105 km away from Kemppi’s Headquarters: How does Mark experience the company’s culture from the other side of the world?
Imagine you are about to join a company whose headquarters is located on the other side of the world from where you live in....

Our Site R&D Manager Jari took the “now or never” opportunity to launch something new in China
After 12 years working at Kemppi, what keeps our Site R&D Manager Jari Kettunen enthusiastic about the company?